Ashin receives the bookSigning Ashin's Dignity book

Today, Ashin Sopaka received his print copy of Dignity Amidst the Rubbish. This has been on my mind and soul for four years. I told him that “I wasn’t ever going to stop” until this was complete. Now he will take this book back to his village in Burma where he said that it will be cherished by his community, and also placed in the library he is having built there. Next step? Beyond “Dignity” being used as a fundraising mechanism for The Dignity Amidst the Rubbish Project, Ashin and I will be working together to translate the book into Burmese so that “they all can fully understand,” said Ashin. Thank you, kind and wise monk for your insight and support.

Mission, completed! …

Handing Ashin his Dignity book Ashin Sopaka with his Dignity book